The Quit SmokingShot - Is The SmartShot Really The SmartChoice For ThoseTrying To QuitSmoking ?

The newest quit smoking shot to hit
the market is one called "The SMART
Shot" by American Medical
Innovations, LLC. The acronym
"SMART" stands for "Scopolamine
Mediated Anticholinergic Receptor
Treatment" and according to the
company website, has success rates
of between 70-80%. But is this new
addition to the smoking cessation
industry too good to be true?
What's in The SMART Shot?
This new quit smoking shot is
composed of two drugs that already
have FDA approval for other physical
ailments. It contains the drug
Scopolamine that is used in sea
sickness patches, as well as Atarax
(an antihistamine similar to
Why it works?
Using these two drugs in
combination has been shown to
block the nicotine receptors in the
brain. The key benefit of this is that
it makes quitting smoking easier by
reducing much of the physical
discomfort associated with
withdrawal. And if you can lessen
some of these symptoms, you greatly
increase the chances of overcoming
the addiction to nicotine.
What is the success rate?
The manufacturers of The SMART
Shot claim to have a success rate of
between 70-80%, which is far higher
than the typical stop smoking
success rate of about 20% for other
quit smoking products (although
along with getting an injection,
there is also group counseling
received via phone calls and other
support systems).
Are there any drawbacks to The
The high success rate comes with a
hefty price tag. At $450 for the
treatment (this includes The SMART
Shot, an initial evaluation, on-going
group support, and access to an
online community for additional
support), it may be a little too
expensive for many individuals.
On the positive side, however, the
money you will save from not buying
cigarettes (if you are the average
pack a day smoker), will more than
pay for The SMART Shot and
treatment within a few months time.
Is The SMART Shot for you?
If you have the financial resources, I
would highly recommend getting The
SMART Shot and the treatment
package it includes. Not only do you
have a 70-80% chance of quitting
your smoking addiction, but they
also give you a guarantee in case
you do resume smoking within one
year from your initial visit. This quit
smoking shot, although pricey, will
give you the edge you need to break
free of cigarettes and finally stop

What Smoking Really Does to Your Lungs

You know how smoking affects your
body - it increases risk of cancers,
heart diseases, stroke, etc. It doesn't
choose its victims - it has no respect
for class, gender, or race. It strikes
whoever is nearest, making no
distinction between the smoker and
the innocent nonsmoker.
Smoking affects secondhand smokers,
nonsmokers who inadvertently
breathe in the smoke. Secondhand
smoke comes from 2 sources - smoke
from the burning end of the
cigarette, and smoke exhaled by
smokers. Secondhand smoking is as
dangerous as smoking itself, as the
secondhand smokers inhale more of
the smoke than the smokers
In so many ways smoking is harmful
to the body, but it is the most
dangerous to the lungs. How does
smoking affect your lungs, then?
Know that it is not only your lungs
that are affected, but also the
airways and your other respiratory
organs. When you start smoking
cigarettes, chemicals enter the body
through the mouth and nose and
into the lungs. Burning tobacco
produces more than 4,000 chemicals,
which include carbon monoxide,
nicotine and tar.
The tar from the cigarettes sticks to
the cilia, the tiny hair-like structures
that line the airways in the lungs.
The cilia typically acts as little
brooms that sweep out harmful dirt -
but when cigarette is smoked, the
cilia can't work properly because the
tar sticks to the cilia and is therefore
covered. Even a stick is enough to
slow down the cilia, and with the
cilia not performing its task properly,
dirt can stay in lungs and so cause
problems. Mucus also gets piled up,
and germs don't get swept out.
Overtime, as smoking get heavier
and more frequent, the cilia dies
and the lungs is exposed to even
more dangerous substances.
How does smoking affect your lungs?
By destroying the cilia. When those
little brooms are not working, dirt-
filled mucus slides down your lungs
and blocks the tiny airways - and the
air can't get in or out properly. That
is the reason why smokers cough a
lot -because they have to cough to
rid of the dirty mucus in their lungs.
Whereas those unexposed to
cigarette smoke hardly ever need to
cough, because their cilia are
working just fine.
How does smoking affect your lungs?
By enlarging the cells producing
mucus in your lungs and airways.
The amount of mucus increases, and
the mucus thickens. Your lungs and
airways then get irritated and
inflames, narrowing and reducing
the airflow.
How does smoking affect your lungs?
By causing detrimental changes in
your lungs and airways - changes
that can be sudden or long-term.
Changes that appear suddenly, lasts
a short time then goes away are
called acute changes, and examples
of these are colds and pneumonia.
Chronic changes are those that
happen slowly and last a long time -
some for the rest of your life. A
chronic change caused by smoking is
emphysema. Bronchitis and lung
cancer are other chronic changes.
How does smoking affect your lungs?
By destroying your lungs and killing

Negative Effects Of Marijuana Abuse On Human Physicology

Marijuana is the most commonly
abused illicit drug in United States
and is obtained from dried flower,
stem, leaves, and seeds of female
cannabis plant. Marijuana is a
psychoactive drug and abused as it
gives a sense of high or euphoria
and relaxation. Marijuana contains
400 chemicals, of which 60 are
cannabinoids. The most active
psychoactive cannabinoid in
Marijuana is delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol or THC that
leads to harmful health effects like
increased heart rate, low blood
pressure, respiratory and immune
system problems, anxiety, and can
even cause cancer.
Effect on Brain
When Marijuana is smoked, THC, the
active chemical ingredient in
Marijuana gets immediately
dissolves in blood and carried to
brain and other parts of body. The
THC affects the activity of brain by
binding to the cannabinoid
receptors in brain. Since
cannabinoid receptors have higher
density in parts of brain that control
concentration, pleasure, memory,
coordinated movements and more,
the person abusing Marijuana
suffers from memory loss, lack of
coordination, distorted perception,
problems in cognitive abilities,
thinking and problem solving
difficulties etc due to affected
receptors. Chronic Marijuana use is
also associated with increase in
anxiety, suicidal tendency,
depression, and schizophrenia.
Effect on Heart
Smoking Marijuana can increase the
heart rate suddenly and this effect
can last for 3-4 hours. The increased
heart rate further increases the
chances of heart attack in the first
hour after smoking Marijuana. The
risk of Marijuana abuser suffering
from heart attack also increases due
to disturbances in heart rhythms
that lead to palpitations and
arrhythmias. The aged people having
heart complications stand at greater
risk of suffering from heart attack
due to Marijuana abuse.
Effect on Lungs
Smoking Marijuana can deposit 4
times more tar in lungs than
smoking normal cigarettes.
Marijuana smoke is damaging to
lungs as it also contains more
carcinogenic hydrocarbons than
tobacco smoke. Carcinogens are
chemical substances that can cause
cancer. Marijuana smokers normally
inhale the smoke deeply and hold
their breath for longer time. Thus,
the carcinogenic smoke remains in
contact with epithelial lining of
lungs for longer time and damages
it. Also, Marijuana smokers suffer
from other respiratory ailments like
cough and phlegm production, acute
chest illness, increased risk of lung
infections, and other respiratory
Effect on Liver
The effects of Marijuana abuse on
liver are still being researched.
Marijuana alone can not be credited
to cause liver damage but the
impurities and other plant residues
that come along with Marijuana can
be detrimental to the liver.
Marijuana abuse can severely affect
the liver function if the person is
suffering from ailments like Hepatitis
C infection, HIV, Cirrhosis,
Hepatomegaly and more.
Effect on Daily Life
Marijuana abuse has severe
implications on health, mental well-
being, family life, social relations,
and on career of the individual.
Marijuana abuse can disturb the
daily life as the person suffers from
memory loss, health complications,
decreased thinking and problem
solving abilities etc. Marijuana
abuse leads to increased
absenteeism, inability to
concentrate, accidents, tardiness, job
turnover, cognitive impairment and
Marijuana abuse especially among
college students and adolescents
needs to be curbed as it can lead to
abuse of more severe illicit drug and
act as a gateway drug. Dependence
on Marijuana can be effectively
treated through proper behavioral
interventions, cognitive behavioral
therapy, and motivational incentives.
if you want quit marijuana check out this sites

Cigarette Ingredients

There are many poisonous
ingredients in cigarettes although
the most commonly focused upon
dangers are nicotine and tar. The
reason these two are often singled
out the most is they are the leading
causes of cancer and of addiction.
Tar is the ingredient that causes
lung cancer. When a cigarette is lit
the heat causes the release of the
substances contained in the leaf.
Those enter the lungs in the smoke.
The tar attaches itself to the
sensitive linings of the lungs killing
the tissue. It also deadens the small
hairs that line the throat and move
impurities up away from the lungs.
Because this function is decreased
more irritants are able to lodge in
the lungs making COPD (chronic
obstructive pulmonary diseases)
more acute.
Nicotine is the drug contained in
the tobacco plant that is addictive.
Many people think nicotine is simply
addictive and does not have the
physical dangers the other elements
of a cigarette has but it is an
extremely poisonous drug that in its
purest form would kill from a single
drop on the tongue. Another of the
chemical effects of cigarette smoke is
carbon monoxide. This 'anti-oxygen'
causes severe damage to the lungs
as they attempt to find oxygen in
the air taken into the lungs and
occurs when the smoker lights the
Lesser known chemicals contained in
cigarettes are:
o Benzene which can cause
o Formaldehyde commonly used as
an embalming fluid and is very
o Ammonia used as a flavoring that
aids in the release of nicotine from
the product.
o Acetone a common ingredient in
nail polish remover.
o Arsenic usually found in rat
o And Hydrogen Cyanide used in gas
o Sulfuric acid often found in car
o Maltitol a sweetener the USDA
does not allow for food use.
All of these ingredients are harmful
to your health, and if you were
offered them in their pure form, you
would laugh and say no. But when
disguised in a cigarette, you can't
wait to get it into your body. Quit
Smoking Today
Many of these chemicals are used
simply to keep the cigarette lit and
have nothing to do with taste or
pleasure. While none of these
chemicals are the leading causes of
cancers associated with smoking they
all have either harmful, or deadly
capabilities and only add to the
shortened lifespan of smokers and
can also contribute to several forms
of cancer.

5 Reasons You Should Stop Smoking Immediately

Everyone knows that smoking is very
bad for the health, but surprisingly
few people know exactly how it can
affect them. The fact is that this
habit can affect you (and the people
who spend a lot of time in your
company) adversely in many
different ways.
Go through the following effects of
smoking and decide on your own
whether or not you should continue
with the habit:
- There is an increased risk of
getting all sorts of dangerous
diseases including lung cancer,
emphysema, hypertension and heart
disease. Lung cancer is particularly
bad because it has a very low
survival rate when compared to
many other types of cancer. Smokers
generally have very low stamina and
immunity because they do not get
the required amount of oxygen in
the air they inhale.
- Autoimmune disorders are very
common amongst smokers. Doctors
believe that this habit is responsible
for many cases of lupus. It also
increases the severity of the lupus
- Smokers have a greater chance of
becoming impotent than non-
smokers. It is believed that smoking
affects the blood pressure, thereby
preventing the man from having
proper and long lasting erections.
- If you have babies then you should
know that this habit increases the
chances of cot death in infants. In
addition, children who are exposed
to second hand smoke tend to be
very irritable and restless. They do
not thrive very well and might not
reach the height or weight that is
normal for them. Women who smoke
through their pregnancies or even
up to conceiving their babies tend
to deliver low birth weight and
premature babies.
- Early onset of wrinkles on the face.
One reason is because the action of
sucking on a cigarette causes furrows
on either side of the mouth. The
other reason is that the smoke
exposes the skin to many free
As you can see, smoking is one habit
that you have to get rid of at the
earliest. However, it has to be
acknowledged that this is easier said
than done. The problem is that the
nicotine contained in cigarettes is
highly addictive even though it does
not cause health problems.
It is up to you to try to get rid of
this habit without any delay. As a
matter of fact, you should take all
the assistance you can get because
this habit is very difficult to lose on
your own.

Why Smoking Bad For You? 3 Main Reasons

We all know we shouldn't smoke, but why is smoking bad for you? Instead of just taking it at face value let's break down the specific reasons why smoking is bad for you and, if you are a smoker, why you should stop smoking as soon as possible. Health Reasons First and foremost, smoking is horrible for your health and leads to numerous diseases and disorders. Smoking leads to cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD alone kills thousands of smokers yearly. From the first breath of smoke the damage begins and the longer a smoker continues smoking the worse the damage becomes. Eventually the damage is permanent. Worse yet the same damage can occur to the smoker's loved ones who are continuously subjected to second hand smoke. Cosmetic Reasons Smoking has many unpleasant cosmetic effects on the smoker. Smoking gives you bad breath. Continuous smoking also leads to yellow teeth. A smoker is three times more likely than a non smoker to lose their teeth. Smoking also has negative effects on the skin. Smokers age prematurely, getting wrinkles and ashen colored skin. If you have seen someone who has smoked for a long time you can see that they look older and unhealthy. Financial Reasons The smoking habit has gotten more and more expensive over recent years. The average smoker spends $30 a week on their habit. That is over $1,500 a year. That is money that could be spent on much more constructive things or money that could go towards bills and life expenses. If a smoker continues to the point they get one of the above mentioned diseases then they will have to spend money to treat these diseases. Also, smokers may have to pay more money for health and life insurance. In Conclusion Why is smoking bad for you? The three reasons above are a few of the main reasons but there really are many more. If you are a smoker than now is the time to stop smoking before you have severe health problems, suffer cosmetic effects, or spend too much money on the habit.

quit smoking how the problem is managed in various caountries

Some countries are trying very hard to stamp out smoking, using all means of restrictions and some countries just sit back and enjoy the revenue. In Dubai a large supermarket chain is banning the sale of cigarettes in a country where smoking is practically a national pastime. In Australia smoking is banned in bars, clubs, restaurants, public transport and in many public places. Soon plain packaging will be introduced. The government provides quit line a free service to support smokers. In the USA it's a mixed bag with huge variation in rules and regulations from state to state and from county and city to city. In fact being a smoker in the USA must be very confusing for anyone who visits or travels around the country. Much of Europe still clings to the old ways but many countries have banned indoor smoking. In Kenya cigarette smuggling is a practically a national sport. The reality is that even in the most seemingly anti smoking countries the right of people to smoke still exists. The governments derive huge amounts of money from cigarette taxes. Smoking is legal but on their terms. My message to you is simple don't wait for the government to solve your problem, because while they are willing to beat their chests with anti-smoking slogans they have their hand in your pockets every time you light up. Quitting is your responsibility, it's your body and your life. You will be long dead and buried before any government comes to your rescue. One of the main problems with government assistance is that they use ineffective methods to help people quit. The chance of a well meaning councillor actually getting a result is about as good as cold turkey, because in effect you are still going cold turkey because it's you who has to do it. Some governments are still locked into the nicotine replacement programmes, in spite of current research showing that they are ineffective. Of course most smokers already know this. If you are reading this article you already have some motivation to quit. So don't stop here, take the next step and book in to see a hypnotherapist. This is proven to be your very best way to quit. You know that bans have little effect on you, or grisly images on cig packets, or self promoting government anti smoking adds. The old saying is if it's meant to be it's up to me, thats true but with the help of hypnosis you can be free of the dreaded cancer stick.