Why Smoking Bad For You? 3 Main Reasons

We all know we shouldn't smoke, but why is smoking bad for you? Instead of just taking it at face value let's break down the specific reasons why smoking is bad for you and, if you are a smoker, why you should stop smoking as soon as possible. Health Reasons First and foremost, smoking is horrible for your health and leads to numerous diseases and disorders. Smoking leads to cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD alone kills thousands of smokers yearly. From the first breath of smoke the damage begins and the longer a smoker continues smoking the worse the damage becomes. Eventually the damage is permanent. Worse yet the same damage can occur to the smoker's loved ones who are continuously subjected to second hand smoke. Cosmetic Reasons Smoking has many unpleasant cosmetic effects on the smoker. Smoking gives you bad breath. Continuous smoking also leads to yellow teeth. A smoker is three times more likely than a non smoker to lose their teeth. Smoking also has negative effects on the skin. Smokers age prematurely, getting wrinkles and ashen colored skin. If you have seen someone who has smoked for a long time you can see that they look older and unhealthy. Financial Reasons The smoking habit has gotten more and more expensive over recent years. The average smoker spends $30 a week on their habit. That is over $1,500 a year. That is money that could be spent on much more constructive things or money that could go towards bills and life expenses. If a smoker continues to the point they get one of the above mentioned diseases then they will have to spend money to treat these diseases. Also, smokers may have to pay more money for health and life insurance. In Conclusion Why is smoking bad for you? The three reasons above are a few of the main reasons but there really are many more. If you are a smoker than now is the time to stop smoking before you have severe health problems, suffer cosmetic effects, or spend too much money on the habit.

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