quit smoking how the problem is managed in various caountries

Some countries are trying very hard to stamp out smoking, using all means of restrictions and some countries just sit back and enjoy the revenue. In Dubai a large supermarket chain is banning the sale of cigarettes in a country where smoking is practically a national pastime. In Australia smoking is banned in bars, clubs, restaurants, public transport and in many public places. Soon plain packaging will be introduced. The government provides quit line a free service to support smokers. In the USA it's a mixed bag with huge variation in rules and regulations from state to state and from county and city to city. In fact being a smoker in the USA must be very confusing for anyone who visits or travels around the country. Much of Europe still clings to the old ways but many countries have banned indoor smoking. In Kenya cigarette smuggling is a practically a national sport. The reality is that even in the most seemingly anti smoking countries the right of people to smoke still exists. The governments derive huge amounts of money from cigarette taxes. Smoking is legal but on their terms. My message to you is simple don't wait for the government to solve your problem, because while they are willing to beat their chests with anti-smoking slogans they have their hand in your pockets every time you light up. Quitting is your responsibility, it's your body and your life. You will be long dead and buried before any government comes to your rescue. One of the main problems with government assistance is that they use ineffective methods to help people quit. The chance of a well meaning councillor actually getting a result is about as good as cold turkey, because in effect you are still going cold turkey because it's you who has to do it. Some governments are still locked into the nicotine replacement programmes, in spite of current research showing that they are ineffective. Of course most smokers already know this. If you are reading this article you already have some motivation to quit. So don't stop here, take the next step and book in to see a hypnotherapist. This is proven to be your very best way to quit. You know that bans have little effect on you, or grisly images on cig packets, or self promoting government anti smoking adds. The old saying is if it's meant to be it's up to me, thats true but with the help of hypnosis you can be free of the dreaded cancer stick.

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