The Quit SmokingShot - Is The SmartShot Really The SmartChoice For ThoseTrying To QuitSmoking ?

The newest quit smoking shot to hit
the market is one called "The SMART
Shot" by American Medical
Innovations, LLC. The acronym
"SMART" stands for "Scopolamine
Mediated Anticholinergic Receptor
Treatment" and according to the
company website, has success rates
of between 70-80%. But is this new
addition to the smoking cessation
industry too good to be true?
What's in The SMART Shot?
This new quit smoking shot is
composed of two drugs that already
have FDA approval for other physical
ailments. It contains the drug
Scopolamine that is used in sea
sickness patches, as well as Atarax
(an antihistamine similar to
Why it works?
Using these two drugs in
combination has been shown to
block the nicotine receptors in the
brain. The key benefit of this is that
it makes quitting smoking easier by
reducing much of the physical
discomfort associated with
withdrawal. And if you can lessen
some of these symptoms, you greatly
increase the chances of overcoming
the addiction to nicotine.
What is the success rate?
The manufacturers of The SMART
Shot claim to have a success rate of
between 70-80%, which is far higher
than the typical stop smoking
success rate of about 20% for other
quit smoking products (although
along with getting an injection,
there is also group counseling
received via phone calls and other
support systems).
Are there any drawbacks to The
The high success rate comes with a
hefty price tag. At $450 for the
treatment (this includes The SMART
Shot, an initial evaluation, on-going
group support, and access to an
online community for additional
support), it may be a little too
expensive for many individuals.
On the positive side, however, the
money you will save from not buying
cigarettes (if you are the average
pack a day smoker), will more than
pay for The SMART Shot and
treatment within a few months time.
Is The SMART Shot for you?
If you have the financial resources, I
would highly recommend getting The
SMART Shot and the treatment
package it includes. Not only do you
have a 70-80% chance of quitting
your smoking addiction, but they
also give you a guarantee in case
you do resume smoking within one
year from your initial visit. This quit
smoking shot, although pricey, will
give you the edge you need to break
free of cigarettes and finally stop

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