Everything You Need to Know About Quit Smoking Timeline

Smoking is an addictive habit which can cause harmful consequences to an individual's health. Once a person has started, his health begins to deteriorate. Although it is not impossible, it may be difficult to start once a person has started to smoke.
Nicotine is the addictive agent that is found in cigarettes. Those who become dependent on this drug will need a dose of it on a daily basis to feel "normal". Nicotine is only one of the many dangerous components that cigarettes are made of.
Cigarettes contain different metal and even radioactive compounds that are carcinogenic. A dangerous gas called carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream and replaces the oxygen,This means that less oxygen is able to reach the brain.
The effects of smoking are definitely harmful and can even be dangerous to the people around. As mentioned, it is not impossible to stop smoking. A person can make a drastic decision to change his life and quit smoking. He can either do it slowly or completely stop smoking. Once the individual decides to stop, his quit smoking timeline begins.
The quit smoking timeline was devised to inform people of the effects of the cessation of cigarettes. It lets them know what to expect and the effects of it.
As soon as a person stops smoking, his body begins to change and transition. Even in a just a single day, it begins to adjust to healthier lifestyle. The quit smoking timeline begins with these adjustments which include: blood pressure and pulse rate begins to become normal, the nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the person's body begins to decrease, and oxygen levels in the bloodstream begin to increase.
The next few days are critical to the adjustments because this is when the cravings come to play and anxiety levels begin to increase. After forty-eight hours, nerve endings that were damaged begin to repair and the person has a renewed sense of smell and taste. However, at this point, irritability and anger will have reached its maximum level due to the cessation.
Even after two weeks, the cessation continues and may even result in insomnia and restlessness. Risks of heart failure begin to decrease and the function of the lungs begins to become normal.
After a few months, simple tasks such as walking become easier because the circulation of blood in the body has considerably improved. At this point, chronic cough will have also disappeared. Shortness of breath and fatigue due to smoking will have decreased and energy levels will have increased.
After a year or more of not smoking, an individual has lowered risks of coronary heart disease and stroke. These levels are now equal to those of a non-smoker,Chances of getting cancer have drastically declined.
Smoking may cause up to 5 teeth to fall out around the age of seventy-five. For those who have stopped smoking, this risk has been reduced to a level equal to those who have never smoked at all.
Although it maybe a long and even difficult process, the effects on the body and on one's health is considerable. In the long run, the cessation of smoking will lead to a longer and more productive life.

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